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Man do I feel great this morning. I woke up fully refreshed and invigorated and ready to climb a mountain if need be. Which is actually kind of weird because last night's dream was probably the most crack-addled of them all.

It was like I was underwater, but I could breath fine and there were no air bubbles or anything like that. Actually, maybe everything was just moving in slow motion and not underwater. Anyway, everything was slow and muffled, and I could feel the heat of this fire coming from this hole in the floor. It felt like when I was in high school and went to the Homecoming bonfire as an excuse to make out. There was no flame though, just incredible heat. This really tall, skinny guy started climbing up out of the hole, his face long and handsome like Rudolph Valentino. He looked at me, smiled, and walked away. He opened this door and I could see what looked like a forest inside the room. Things were making absolutely no sense and I was pretty frustrated. I kept looking down, trying to figure out where this intense heat was coming from, then the door to the forest closed and I heard a chainsaw start up. All of a sudden I was screaming as loud as I could because I didn't want Valentino to cut them down. That's when I woke up.

Anyway, Looking out the window from my bed, the sun's out, the clouds are small and fluffy, and it looks like there's a nice little Spring breeze going on. Maybe I'll go ask Keith if he wants to get a sandwich.