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I woke up very disturbed this morning. For once it didn't have anything to do with the monotonous bastards at Sturges, but with a dream. Here's what happened for the record.
There was this stick. I was holding this stick and it had the most brilliant emerald green snake coiled up at the end of it. The snake was just sitting there doing its own thing, and I couldn't get over how green it was. It wasn't just the color but also the sheen on its scales. The nearest I can come to a description is that neon green plastic that they use for Slurpee lids at 7-11: Mostly opaque with just a hint of translucence hidden in its vibrancy. Anyway, I was just there staring at this snake and how beautiful it was, when it started slithering up the stick toward my hand. I didn't want to drop it, and I was half hypnotized by its color anyway, so I did nothing as it casually came forward. Then it flashed out and struck me on the thumb. I could see it bite down and I saw the fangs sink into my thumb.
I felt a piercing pain.
I stood there and let it hold on, and the pain continued. This was real pain. This was real feeling.
At this time I floated up out of the dream and woke up. In the hazy beforemoments when the sleep is lifting and you have vague control over your intellect, I quickly interpreted the dream as my thumb being caught between my mattress and headboard or something. It pinched in real life, and in that crazy way that your brain interprets your alarm clock as a police siren and instantly makes up a story that takes five minutes to bring the police car in, I figured that the pain that came from my thumb being pinched in real life was made into a snake catching my thumb in my dream. So I woke all the way up and quickly checked my thumb. It was there, attached to my hand as always, just there. It wasn't crammed in a niche or cramped under my body or anywhere else. I inspected it closely: no red lines or pinch marks, no bite marks or areas of red inflammation, no trouble moving it, no pins or needles in my bed, nothing.
I thought about this for a few minutes, still staring at my thumb, struck dumb by its apparent health. There was no way around it. I had felt pain in my dream, but nothing hurt it in real life.
This disturbed me. I've never felt anything in my dreams. I've seen things, and heard things, but never felt anything. Do a lot of people commonly feel things in dreams? Am I finally waking up to a new sensory adventure here? If so, why didn't it wake up with my last dream so I could've "felt" Donna after blowing away those zombies? A lot of things are going through my mind right now, most of them unnerving. I've checked my thumb over and over again and nothing's wrong with it at all. It had to be a phantom pain caused solely by the dream. Right?
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