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I've asked my roommate. He never feels anything in his dreams. This got us to talking though. He dreams in color, and after seeing that snake the other night I'm sure I dream in color too. I'm starting to disbelieve the whole "dreaming in black and white" thing, where less creative people can't dream in color. I've never been fully on board with that anyway... along with the whole left-handed/right-eye dominant thing... I have hair on the second digit of my ring fingers, does that make me more creative? I have a weird pointy-outy thing on my feet, does that make me a genius? But anyway, my roommate says he dreams in color, and he's wired for sound but not the feel-o-rama.
This interests me. Maybe I'll ask my co-workers on Monday. Or maybe not. I'm to the point now where I doubt they dream at all. Maybe I will ask them though. If anyone dreams in black and white, it'll be them.
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